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About me:

Welcome to Rosemary and Rosé. My name is Bailey and I am the creator behind R&R.


Like you have probably already read: I am a writer, a photographer, and a lover of food! I decided to create R&R as a way to keep all of my kitchen creations together (I would lose my head if it wasn't attached), so if I gain some followers along the way, great! I look forward to hearing feedback and gaining insight from the incredible people who take the time to view my rambling, I mean recipes.


I have an amazing fiancé, who supports me in every crazy adventure I choose to start, so yay for him! We have two dogs together and they are my babies. Like seriously, I am obsessed, so get ready for plenty of dog pictures. BE PREPARED for cuteness!


Anyway, thanks for being here. You're wonderful! 

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